A Manuscript With Style: Part Three

This is by no means a statement of how it must be done, but a good jumping off point for you. You may find that you prefer something slightly different, or altogether different even. The main thing I try to remember is to keep within commonly accepted parameters—I...

A Manuscript with Style: Part Two

Creating a Template Last time we tackled how to create Styles, which give manuscripts a polished, professional look. I mentioned creating a template once you have your Styles mapped out. So here we go—how to create personalized templates! Firstly, you’ll want to get...

A Manuscript With Style: Part One

Creating and Using Styles Hey, psst. Over here… so hey. Do you want to make your editor happy? Like, really happy? I’ve got something that’s really gonna make her day. Actually, it’s not much of a secret, but I’ll tell you anyway, and even give you a few tips along...